Misophonia Treatment in Edina, Duluth and Forest Lake, MN
How Do You Treat Misophonia?
At this time, no drugs are currently available to treat misophonia and there is no conclusive scientific evidence that any medication is effective in its treatment.
How Can We Help?
Successful treatment of misophonia most often involves Tinnitus Retraining Therapy – Misophonia Protocol. Both tinnitus and misophonia involve similar neuro-pathways and respond favorable to sound enrichment.
The goal is not to cover up the trigger or offensive sounds. The reason we don’t want to cover up or “mask” these sounds is that if your brain never hears the trigger sounds, it can never get used to it. The goal is to change the reaction into a response that is manageable or even habituate the sound.
The brain and nervous system can and do learn to ignore sounds and other types of sensations when there is no emotional, specifically negative emotional, attachment. For example, people typically don’t actively listen to air conditioners or other continuous background sounds. These sounds are simply a part of the environment and are easily ignored. Successful habituation to trigger sounds is when even if you notice the sounds, it is no longer bothersome to you.
80% Success Rate
Treatment timelines and outcomes are always on a case by case basis, but research has shown that significant benefits can be achieved in over 80% of cases. Outcomes are heavily dependent on how consistent the person is with their personalized treatment protocol and the use of appropriate sound enrichment.
How Can I Cope with Misophonia?
Talk to Those Who Are Affecting You
Take the time to talk about your condition with those who trigger the strongest emotions in you. It’s important to let them know that they shouldn’t take it personally, but that your symptoms are such that it just so happens to be their sounds which trigger a response in you. Most family members want to minimize your discomfort, even though they occasionally forget or don’t recognize what they are doing. More often than not, people will be more inclined to be supportive if you show them that their support and consideration means a lot to you.
See Us For a Misophonia Evaluation
A medical diagnosis can make a world of difference. It can give you a strong psychological boost knowing that the symptoms are part of a recognized medical disorder, and not just in your head. It can also be helpful when talking to people who are telling you that you are just “making it up” or misdiagnosing yourself.
The more we see individuals out there with diagnosed misophonia, the more likely it is that researchers will be interested in working to improve management of the symptoms and maybe even finding a possible cure.